96 research outputs found

    Partitioned Sampling of Public Opinions Based on Their Social Dynamics

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    Public opinion polling is usually done by random sampling from the entire population, treating individual opinions as independent. In the real world, individuals' opinions are often correlated, e.g., among friends in a social network. In this paper, we explore the idea of partitioned sampling, which partitions individuals with high opinion similarities into groups and then samples every group separately to obtain an accurate estimate of the population opinion. We rigorously formulate the above idea as an optimization problem. We then show that the simple partitions which contain only one sample in each group are always better, and reduce finding the optimal simple partition to a well-studied Min-r-Partition problem. We adapt an approximation algorithm and a heuristic algorithm to solve the optimization problem. Moreover, to obtain opinion similarity efficiently, we adapt a well-known opinion evolution model to characterize social interactions, and provide an exact computation of opinion similarities based on the model. We use both synthetic and real-world datasets to demonstrate that the partitioned sampling method results in significant improvement in sampling quality and it is robust when some opinion similarities are inaccurate or even missing

    OTMatch: Improving Semi-Supervised Learning with Optimal Transport

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    Semi-supervised learning has made remarkable strides by effectively utilizing a limited amount of labeled data while capitalizing on the abundant information present in unlabeled data. However, current algorithms often prioritize aligning image predictions with specific classes generated through self-training techniques, thereby neglecting the inherent relationships that exist within these classes. In this paper, we present a new approach called OTMatch, which leverages semantic relationships among classes by employing an optimal transport loss function. By utilizing optimal transport, our proposed method consistently outperforms established state-of-the-art methods. Notably, we observed a substantial improvement of a certain percentage in accuracy compared to the current state-of-the-art method, FreeMatch. OTMatch achieves 3.18%, 3.46%, and 1.28% error rate reduction over FreeMatch on CIFAR-10 with 1 label per class, STL-10 with 4 labels per class, and ImageNet with 100 labels per class, respectively. This demonstrates the effectiveness and superiority of our approach in harnessing semantic relationships to enhance learning performance in a semi-supervised setting

    DiffKendall: A Novel Approach for Few-Shot Learning with Differentiable Kendall's Rank Correlation

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    Few-shot learning aims to adapt models trained on the base dataset to novel tasks where the categories are not seen by the model before. This often leads to a relatively uniform distribution of feature values across channels on novel classes, posing challenges in determining channel importance for novel tasks. Standard few-shot learning methods employ geometric similarity metrics such as cosine similarity and negative Euclidean distance to gauge the semantic relatedness between two features. However, features with high geometric similarities may carry distinct semantics, especially in the context of few-shot learning. In this paper, we demonstrate that the importance ranking of feature channels is a more reliable indicator for few-shot learning than geometric similarity metrics. We observe that replacing the geometric similarity metric with Kendall's rank correlation only during inference is able to improve the performance of few-shot learning across a wide range of datasets with different domains. Furthermore, we propose a carefully designed differentiable loss for meta-training to address the non-differentiability issue of Kendall's rank correlation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed rank-correlation-based approach substantially enhances few-shot learning performance

    Learning with Noisily-labeled Class-imbalanced Data

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    Real-world large-scale datasets are both noisily labeled and class-imbalanced. The issues seriously hurt the generalization of trained models. It is hence significant to address the simultaneous incorrect labeling and class-imbalance, i.e., the problem of learning with noisy labels on long-tailed data. Previous works develop several methods for the problem. However, they always rely on strong assumptions that are invalid or hard to be checked in practice. In this paper, to handle the problem and address the limitations of prior works, we propose a representation calibration method RCAL. Specifically, RCAL works with the representations extracted by unsupervised contrastive learning. We assume that without incorrect labeling and class imbalance, the representations of instances in each class conform to a multivariate Gaussian distribution, which is much milder and easier to be checked. Based on the assumption, we recover underlying representation distributions from polluted ones resulting from mislabeled and class-imbalanced data. Additional data points are then sampled from the recovered distributions to help generalization. Moreover, during classifier training, representation learning takes advantage of representation robustness brought by contrastive learning, which further improves the classifier performance. Experiments on multiple benchmarks justify our claims and confirm the superiority of the proposed method

    FILM: How can Few-Shot Image Classification Benefit from Pre-Trained Language Models?

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    Few-shot learning aims to train models that can be generalized to novel classes with only a few samples. Recently, a line of works are proposed to enhance few-shot learning with accessible semantic information from class names. However, these works focus on improving existing modules such as visual prototypes and feature extractors of the standard few-shot learning framework. This limits the full potential use of semantic information. In this paper, we propose a novel few-shot learning framework that uses pre-trained language models based on contrastive learning. To address the challenge of alignment between visual features and textual embeddings obtained from text-based pre-trained language model, we carefully design the textual branch of our framework and introduce a metric module to generalize the cosine similarity. For better transferability, we let the metric module adapt to different few-shot tasks and adopt MAML to train the model via bi-level optimization. Moreover, we conduct extensive experiments on multiple benchmarks to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method
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